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Engineering Studies 2 Unit

General Overview

Teachers: Mr John Rochford & Mr Jeff Appleby

What will I be doing in this course?

The Engineering Studies course covers the following areas of study: engineering mechanics, engineering materials, engineering graphics and impacts of engineering.

Both the Preliminary and HSC courses offer students knowledge, understanding and skills in aspects of engineering that include communication, historical/societal influences, engineering electricity/electronics and the scope of the profession. Students study engineering by investigating a range of applications and fields of engineering.

It is recommended that students who are looking to pursue tertiary study in Engineering also select Mathematics and a science course such as Physics. The complementary nature of these STEM subjects is an advantage. 

Preliminary course:

The preliminary course is broken in to four modules:

  • Engineering fundamentals
  • Engineering products
  • Braking systems
  • Biomedical Engineering

In the Preliminary course students will learn to understand the significance of an Engineering Report and then develop an Engineering Report. Students are first required to produce a component of an Engineering Report in Engineering application module 3, Braking systems, before producing a complete Engineering Report in Engineering focus module 4, Biomedical engineering. 

HSC course:

The HSC course is broken in to four modules;

  • Civil structures
  • Personal and public transport
  • Aeronautical engineering
  • Telecommunications engineering

In the HSC course students must produce one Engineering Report from either of the two Engineering application modules of Civil structures or Personal and public transport, and one from either of the two engineering focus modules of Aeronautical engineering or Telecommunications engineering.

One Engineering Report from the Preliminary course and one Engineering Report from the HSC course must be the result of collaborative work, reflecting the importance of teamwork to successful engineering projects.

Note: The modules in the Preliminary course have been designed to progressively develop knowledge, understandings and skills, commencing with Engineering fundamentals module 1 and concluding with Biomedical engineering module 4.

 * Each module is 30 hours indicative time

How will I be assessed?

This course will be supported by your Online Teacher using: diligence reports every 2-3 weeks, lesson and tutorial recordings and student visits once a term (when out of lockdown). 

Assessment in the Preliminary course will consist of a mix of formal examination, knowledge tests and written reports. The HSC course has a final external examination with module and engineering reports and knowledge tests accounting for the internal assessment component.

Additional information:

This course is approximately the degree of difficulty of Physics, and students should be capable of doing Physics and Advanced Mathematics to undertake Engineering.

One component of this course requires students to submit for marking graphical solutions to problems. These may be scanned and emailed or uploaded or faxed to the teacher for marking.

Career Options

How will this course help me in the future?

This course is designed for those who are interested in careers such as Engineering, Building, Architecture, Applied Science, Metallurgy and Metal trades. It will have advanced standing for some TAFE courses .

Those students wishing to pursue the study of Engineering and allied fields at tertiary level will have gained an excellent background.