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Aboriginal Studies (2 Unit)

General Overview

Teacher - Mrs Amber Nelson

Both Preliminary and HSC courses offer students knowledge, understanding and skills in aspects of indigenous contemporary social and political issues including: racism, land rights, heritage and identity, human rights and social justice.

It concentrates on social and political issues that affect all Australians. It does not require in-depth studies of cultural issues.

In Aboriginal Studies students learn a range of research and communication skills essential for further education, traineeships and a wide range of careers. As a Category A HSC course, Aboriginal Studies can be counted in the ATAR for university entrance.

Preliminary Course

The Preliminary course focuses on Aboriginal peoples' relationship to the Land, Aboriginal heritage and identity, and an historical examination of colonialism, racism and prejudice from pre-contact times to the 1960s. The course also includes the development of skills in culturally appropriate research and inquiry methods using local community case studies.

Part I: Aboriginality and the Land
Part II: Heritage and Identity
Part III: International Indigenous Community: Comparative Study
Part IV: Research and Inquiry Methods: Local Community Case Study

HSC Course

The HSC course provides for in depth study of legislation, policy, judicial processes and current events from the 1960s. During the course, students will undertake consultation with Aboriginal communities and will study the course through the experiences of national and international Indigenous communities. Students apply research and inquiry methods through the completion of a major project.

Part I – Social Justice and Human Rights Issues, including a comparative study of an Aboriginal and an international Indigenous community. 
Part II – Aboriginality and the Land or Heritage and Identity.
Part III – Research and Inquiry Methods – Major Project

This course is designed for those who are interested in careers such as:

  • Community Services
  • Nursing and allied health services
  • Education
  • Business and commerce
  • Artistic work

Aboriginal Studies may have advanced standing for some TAFE courses .

Those students wishing to pursue the study of Aboriginal Studies and allied fields at tertiary level will have gained an excellent background.