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Student Experience

Abby Dinger, Aboriginal Studies

“Studying Aboriginal Studies as part of my HSC significantly widened by world views and completely changed by understanding of Australia’s history. Not only did I learn about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples past turmoil and current struggles but also learnt of the way this is mirrored in indigenous peoples internationally. The community case study and major projects allowed me to deepen my understanding of my local country groups beliefs and struggles and form a relationships with my local elders that is ongoing. Aboriginal Studies was incredibly valuable to me in my HSC and is a subject I am glad I had the opportunity to study.”

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Eve Fernando, Software Development & Design

“I am writing to let you know the results I received in the HSC. I achieved Band 6's in all my subjects, and received an ATAR of 99.55. I was also recently informed that I Have received the Sydney Catholic Schools Executive Director’s Award for First in HSC Software Design and Development in the Sydney Archdiocese, which I am very happy about.

I wanted to thank you for all you have contributed to my results as my Software Development teacher; thank you for your guidance and consistent support, and especially for so promptly answering all the questions I would ask! I know that all Ihave learned from you will certainly help me in the future, especially as I begin a Bachelor of Advanced Computing at the University of Sydney in a few weeks’ time. The University has also awarded me the Faculty of Engineering Leadershop Scholarshop which covers my full course fees and allows me to tae part in industry placements and a variety of leadership/networking activities”