Enrolment Information

2024 Enrolments have now closed.  2025 Enrolments are not yet open.

Students who attend a Systemic, Congregational or Independent Catholic School in NSW are eligible to enrol in a course.

All application forms require the Home Schools approval and endorsement before being forwarded to the Online Education Centre for consideration. Finalisation of enrolments and notification of places occurs in late December/early January.

Once a student is accepted, the Home School then notifies the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) that the student is studying this particular course at an outside school and enrols them accordingly.

Please Note: All courses are subject to minimum enrolment numbers in order to proceed.

For Course Cost information, please contact us at online.education@lism.catholic.edu.au

* All Non-systemic and Independent Catholic Schools are asked to contact the Online Education Centre (online.education@lism.catholic.edu.au) prior to completing the Enrolment Form.

Important questions to consider.....

Attempting an online course should not be seen as an alternative to a course studied at school or an easy option. In fact it is more difficult and more time consuming. Some considerations include: 

  • Do I have computer related skills particularly in internet based technologies such as email and communication technologies such as word processing and can I converse well, in writing, using the internet?
  • Am I able to work well on my own with limited supervision?
  • Can I work with diligence and sustained effort?
  • Will I be able to attend after school/evening classes each week?
  • Am I motivated, self disciplined with good time management skills?
  • Will I be able to attend the regional workshops each term?
  • Will I be able to devote at least six hours per week to the study of an online course. This is a minimum time requirement which includes time spent at school and at home?
  • Do I have enough time and access to a home and school computer?